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1877 Tall Ship Elissa Seamanship Training Begins

Tall Ship Elissa Galveston Island, Texas– Galveston Historical Foundation’s Texas Seaport Museum is seeking hardy volunteers to learn the ropes on board the 1877 iron barque ELISSA and help maintain the National Historic Landmark tall ship. 

“Sail training on ELISSA gives the participants the once in a lifetime chance to sail onboard an historic sailing ship from 1877 and literally, sail history,” says Jamie White, Director of the Texas Seaport Museum. “ELISSA’s sail training is an adventure activity for people of all ages and abilities. Young and older folks alike can find camaraderie and a rewarding experience either in ELISSA’s rigging or on her decks.”

Those who participate will have the opportunity to learn ancient skills and techniques on maintaining a square-rigged sailing ship. Volunteers may learn to climb ELISSA’s rigging to set and furl sails and maintain the intricate machinery of wood, wire and rope. After completing the classes, and contributing the required hours of work on the ship’s upkeep, participants are eligible to take ELISSA to sea.

ELISSA was originally a 19th century British cargo ship and twice loaded cotton at Galveston. Today, ELISSA is one of only three pre-20th century sailing vessels in the world that have been restored to full sailing capacity. The 2015-2016 schedule is: July 25, August 8, August 22, September 5, September 19, October 3, October 17, October 31,November 14, November 21, December 5, December 19, January 9, January 16, January 30, February 13, February 27, March 5, March 19, April 2 and April 3.

For more information, please contact Will Wright, Director of Marketing & Special Events at 409-765-3404, or visit