events, noteworthy

Anderson County and City of Palestine Announce 3rd Annual Public Dogwood Planting

Palestine, TX – The Dogwood Trails Celebration in Palestine has been going strong for 77 years. What started over a cup of coffee, has grown to be a three weekend long celebration of a local star: the dogwood tree. The public is invited Saturday, March 21 between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. to plant a dogwood at Davey Dogwood Trails Park.

The free public event allows residents and visitors to pick a seedling and plant it in select areas of the park. The seedlings are provided by Anderson County Precinct 4 as part of their ongoing effort to protect and nurture the Davey Dogwood Trails Park, located at 900 N. Link St.

Anderson County began this special planting project in March 2013 and hopes to offer it for many years to come. The seedlings are planted in designated areas that are specially chosen for optimal dogwood growth. The local dogwood genus, Cornus Florida, is a temperamental tree that requires the perfect mix of shade, sun, moisture, drainage and space. Dogwoods also require special planting procedures and can only be planted at certain times of the year if they are to thrive.

“Our focus continues to be on the long-term,” said Anderson County Judge Robert Johnston, “and the seedlings are a good base for reforestation in the park. This is a project Commissioner Joey Hill has supported each year with the public, and his crew, planting hundreds of seedlings each year to support the reforestation effort.”

There has been a sense of urgency to reforestation of the park due to the drought of 2011 and fungus attack in 2010. The two events severely stressed old and young trees, stunted growth, inhibited blooming and even caused death. The dogwood park has rebounded since 2011 and shows promise for this season.

For more information on the Davey Dogwood Park Replanting Project or the park in general contact Anderson County Judge Johnston’s office at (903) 723-7406 or the Palestine Visitor Center at (903) 723-3014.

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