Earth Day 2013
EARTH- For 43 years earthlings have been celebrating and appreciating our planet and the two-way relationship we have with it on April 22. Earth Day is designed to activate individuals and organizations to strengthen and fight against man’s relationship with the planet. It is easy to take Earth for granted because she is the background of our daily lives, which is why we have to learn to appreciate and preserve our planet. Earth Day is an opportunity for individuals to take a moment out of their lives to think on a broader scale, beyond themselves and their immediate surroundings.
Today, when many people think of Earth Day, they think of planting a tree or changing the types of lightbulbs they use in order to save energy. By planting a tree, you are putting in place a plant that will produce tons of oxygen during its lifespan, create a habitat for numerous species and potentially create shade that will reduce heating costs and energy dependence. By changing your lightbulb to a more energy-efficient version, you are not only going to save money on your electricity bill, you will also extend the life of your light source, reducing the amount of waste going to a landfill or other location. Above all of these small, simple actions should rise the original initiative of Earth Day: Education.
According to Earth Day Network, the organization behind Earth Day, one billion people participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Participants plant trees, clean streams and resolve to recycle more.
What really matters, though, is what people do the day after Earth Day — and for the 363 days after that. Earth Day was born out of a desire to do something. In 1970, 20 million individuals from all walks of life united to protest the deterioration of the environment, and the results included the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act and Endangered Species Act.
Earth Day, above all else, should be a day when we all educate ourselves about the complexities and fragility of the planet, as well as the huge effects we can all have in promoting its health. Through education, we will not only become more enlightened about our place and our potential upon this small blue marble we call Earth, we will also become aware of the vital importance our actions can have in forging a better, healthier path for our planet and our future.
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