
12th Annual Alto Fall Festival

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Date(s) – 10/31/2015
9:00 AM – 5:00 PM

downtown Alto, TX


CAN YOU HELP?? “YOU” CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TODAY TO HELP ALTO FALL FEST SURVIVE. Contact Alto Chamber today if there is in any way you can donate some of your time in preparing and putting on this event. OUR VOLUNTEERS RECEIVE BENEFITS FOR ALL VALUED TIME!! We need people to Chair the activities, decorate, advertise, assist in areas of operation, etc, etc, etc. The Chamber’s phone line is (936) 858-1000 or you may email anytime at [email protected] and please help spread this word!! We must receive a significant increase in overall participation by 9/1 to save this event!!

VENDORS accepted now at an early bird rate….DON’T WAIT. Return the vendor app and submit payment while this offer lasts. >> SAVE THE 12TH ANNUAL ALTO FALL FESTIVAL by Sept. 1st <<