Thunder In January East Texas Weather-Lore East Texas- Thunder in January means more than rumbling in the sky to many East Texans. For many, many years East Texans have been predicting the weather by trying to make heads or tails of signs from Mother Nature. The state of the weather is often the first subject […]
Category: old wive’s tales
Dowsing For Graves & Witching For Water
Dowsing For Graves & Witching For Water By Dana Goolsby Some call it science others call it supernatural. Call it what you will, but dowsing has proven to be an effective method that has been used for centuries to find underground objects of interest. The art of dowsing can be traced back to the days […]
How to Take the Sting Out of Texas Bull Nettle
How to Take the Sting Out of Texas Bull Nettle Texas bull nettle (Cnidoscolus texanus) is more than capable of defending itself from potential herbivores or an unwary naturalist. Bull nettle is a good plant species to know and respect! It has many uses and can be very beneficial, but it also packs a mean sting […]
Psychic Persimmons
Psychic Persimmons By Dana Goolsby East Texas– With fall in full swing and winter approaching people are curious about what Mother Nature has in store. If the Doppler radar bores you or if you enjoy a bit of folklore, there are other ways to predict the weather. Persimmon trees grow throughout Texas and the U.S. […]