
Jodi Harding- Beyond the Pineywoods

Beyond the Pineywoods

Jodi Harding

Simply put… I’m just me.

I’m from good’ol Palestine, born and raised. And I when I say, “I got roots,” I mean my family came in covered wagons from Anderson County South Carolina. So roots- yea, I got’um.

I love to travel and have an insatinable taste for adventure, or maybe its showing off (it’s in the eye of the beholder). I don’t know really, I just pretty much never wanted to be out done, by especially a boy . I was a typical kid, couldn’t wait to get out of town and then went a whole 45 miles away, woohoo! I have crammed a whole lot of experience into a pretty short amountof time and learned a mess load of cool stuff.

If you ask my opinion, you will get it. It’s rarely sugar coated, always straight forward, and sometimes a little bossy, but always fun! I’ve learned those qualities arent always looked at with love…but hey, its me.

I am married to my first kiss and he’s my best friend, too. We have five children between us…and Cj- he’s our Capuchin Monkey. Our latest and greatest quest has been finally moving away to Laredo (not my first dream choice) where we own an oilfield business, Bodi Services, and have a great group of guys working for us known as the “Bodi Boys.”
Jodi can be reached for comment at [email protected].

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