camping, outdoors, rivers & streams

San Jacinto River

San Jacinto River, West Fork

The San Jacinto River has its beginnings in its East and West Forks in San Jacinto and Walker Counties, respectively. The two forks then flow into northeastern Harris County where they merge to form the main stream. The main stream is dammed just below the confluence of its two forks, forming Lake Houston. The lower section of the main stream constitutes a portion of the Houston Ship Channel. The West Fork is dammed in Montgomery County, creating Lake Conroe. Both forks of the San Jacinto have limited flows of water, and recreational usage depends upon sufficient rainfall to increase the volume of water. The main stream is infeasible as a recreational waterway.

State Highway 30 to Lake Conroe
(Not mapped)
15 miles

The West Fork of the San Jacinto River, above Lake Conroe, is extremely narrow and has a limited flow of water. Under normal conditions, water levels are too shallow for recreational activities. Even during periods of heavy rainfall when water levels are up, the narrow width of the river and presence of overhanging branches result in navigational difficulties. However, the river is scenic; since it is located in the vicinity of Sam Houston National Forest.

State Highway 105 to US 59
34 miles

This 34-mile section of the West Fork of the San Jacinto River is located in Montgomery and Harris Counties. This stretch is located immediately below Lake Conroe Dam and recreational usage depends upon sufficient water releases from the dam. The dam does not have a set generating schedule or a minimum daily release; therefore, times exist when the river has only a small volume of water. When the dam is releasing, particularly in the spring and fall, recreational use is possible. Although the river is very narrow and some problems with overhanging brush are found, water quality is good. The river flows through scenic pine and hardwood bottomlands, and a float trip at the proper time would be most rewarding. Waterway features and distance between each are as follows:

SH 105 crossing – 4 miles west of Conroe.
FM 2854 crossing – 3 miles west of Conroe. About 400 yards of shoreline are available on the highway right-of-way. (3 miles)
Lake Creek – enters on the right. (5 miles)
IH 45 crossing – 4 miles south of Conroe. (3 miles)
Little Caney Creek-enters on the left. (4 miles)
Crystal Creek – enters on the left. (3 miles)
Spring Creek – enters on the right. (15 miles)
US 59 crossing – located on the northeastern city limit of Humble. (1 mile)
Private Camp – located immediately downstream from US 59 on the left bank with picnicking facilities available.pic
Private Camp – located immediately downstream from US 59 on the right bank with picnicking facilities available.
Lake Houston – is located immediately downstream.